Senior Gender Equality Specialist, SOCODEVI Côte d'Ivoire
Rachel Tchéma is a sociologist of social development. She has over 12 years of professional experience, including 10 years working in the field of gender equality. She has built her professional experience by holding positions of responsibility in international NGOs and at the United Nations (UN). She now works with SOCODEVI and has acquired over the years an expertise in building the capacities of agricultural cooperatives according to a kind of approach. Rachel also has great expertise in support and a contribution to providing technical support and advice to leaders and managers of cocoa cooperatives for the development and implementation of gender equality action plans, in order to correct gender inequalities and promote gender equality in all the projects of which it has been part. She supervises groups and associations of women from cocoa growing communities and provides them with technical support to businesses and advice in their empowerment initiatives through the creation of female microphones. It also carries out training workshops for NGOs and state partners on the gender approach and the strategies and tools for integrating gender into the management of organizations. Finally, she has excellent knowledge and experience in developing monitoring and evaluation tools and defining gender-specific indicators.