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More than 90% of global cocoa is produced by an estimated 5 million to 6 million smallholder farmers. Many of these farmers live in rural areas of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, where they face poverty due to volatile prices and limited access to markets, financial services, infrastructure and job opportunities. And yet although we know that low household income is a problem for many cocoa farmers, progress on this issue has been hampered by limited data that does not capture the full picture of the cocoa sector overall. Additionally, due to a multitude of data-gathering methods and interpretations, getting a clear, unbiased and comparable picture of the real situation for cocoa households has not been possible. 

Learn more on farmer income

The cocoa sector has been working to deliver living incomes for cocoa farming households since 2015. However, learning at the sector level aimed at achieving living incomes has been hampered by challenges in data collection and sharing. A collaborative approach is required to address these challenges and inform policy and strategy design and delivery with a focus on impact at scale. With this goal in mind, and to harmonise and ensure the availability of a comprehensive household income evaluation methodology across the cocoa sector, the Cocoa Household Income Study (CHIS) was developed. 

Cocoa household income study methodology

A sector-wide approach to assessing the living income status of households in the cocoa sector.

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Approche pour les études de revenus des ménages producteurs de cacao 

Une approche sectorielle pour évaluer le niveau de revenu vital des ménages dans le secteur du cacao.

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"This methodology is important as it enables evidence-based policy and intervention design based on the analysis of good quality data for different household groups. We hope that it contributes to greatly reducing or closing the living income gaps of farming households."

Yuca Waarts

Senior researcher at Wageningen University & Research


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