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Effective emissions reporting is key to understanding the impact of an initiative and how it can be better managed. Industry reporting on cocoa-linked emissions has long been inconsistent, due to the lack of a standardised approach for companies to align behind and use. 

The cocoa supply chain faces unique hurdles in carbon accounting. Millions of smallholders near forests face challenges from deforestation and land use changes. Less is known about farm practices in the 'indirect supply chain'. And companies take varying approaches – especially when it comes to carbon removals. This makes it hard to compare between companies and hinders progress. 

With GHG emissions reporting now mandatory, companies need to align.  

The WCF, in collaboration with Quantis and with support from key WCF member companies, has created the first ever accounting standard for cocoa.  

The GHG Accounting Standard Methodology is designed to help companies in the cocoa sector meet their Scope 3 reporting obligations to the SBTi and align with the draft GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance. 

GHG Accounting Standard Methodology 

Providing the cocoa industry with a sector-wide approach to measuring, reporting and mitigating GHG emissions. 

Download here      Watch the webinar


"Transparent and accurate reporting is essential in order for sustainable chocolate to become the norm. With its unique position to represent the industry, we welcome WCF's new accounting standard for cocoa which, when combined with wider GHGP guidance, will move the sector towards actionable, consistent and accurate reporting."

Tilmann Silber 

Head of Net Zero, Barry Callebaut 



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