, Cocoa Farmer
Bernard Kofi Mensah originally comes from Kokua in the Jaman North District of the Bono region. Born in 1983, Bernard started his primary education in his hometown. Even though his parents relocated to Nyamennae in the Akontombra district of Western North region in 1993 for cocoa farming, Bernard continued his basic education in his hometown and completed in 2000. After his basic school, Bernard relocated to join his family in Nyamennae to support them in their cocoa farming. Because of financial challenges, Bernard continued to support the family in their cocoa farming to raise funds for his secondary education. While in Secondary School (2002 – 2005), Bernard started his own cocoa farm on 3 acres land his father acquired for him. Interested in cocoa farming, Bernard, acquired 8 acres of cocoa farmland in 2006 and later increased to 15 acres in 2012. In 2007 Bernard enrolled in University of Cape Coast distance education while farming and using the proceeds from his cocoa to pay for his school fees. Bernard now has University degree, a dream come true. Bernard is married and has 6 children.