Deputy Director of Standards and Certification, Conseil Cafe Cacao
Ms. Assande graduated from the School of Agronomy at the Houphouët-Boigny National Polytechnic Institute (INP-HB) in Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire, class of 2005. Ms ASSANDE—who is also pursuing a PhD in Phytopathology at the EDP of INP-HB—began her career in 2006 as an agricultural engineer in one of the organisations managing the coffee-cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire. She has 19 years of experience managing the umbrella organisation’s development activities, during which she has held various positions related to the training and supervision of stakeholders, domestic marketing, and regional representation. Today, at the Coffee-Cocoa Council (Conseil Cafe Cacao), Ms Assande serves as Deputy Director in charge of Standards and Certification within the Directorate of Agricultural Development Support. Her role involves overseeing Ivorian cocoa certification activities in collaboration with all value chain stakeholders.