Director for Climate Change and National REDD+ Focal Point, Forestry Commission of Ghana
Roselyn Fosuah Adjei, a Distinguished Humphrey Fellow of the Unites States’ State Department, is a Forest and Climate Policy and Governance specialist with 17 years working experience within the Government of Ghana. Her expertise spans years of local community engagement, development of benefit sharing plans and the set-up of inclusive governance structures for forest management.
In the last 5 years, she has been Ghana’s REDD+ Coordinator and Director for Climate Change at the Forestry Commission and prior to, was the lead Social and Environmental Safeguards expert during the REDD+ Readiness process for Ghana. She has managed a diverse portfolio of forest landscape programs with funding support from the FCPF, GCF, UNDP and FAO, addressing agriculture led deforestation and forest degradation to increase sustainable production particularly for important national commodities such as Cocoa and Shea whilst aggressively restoring forest cover and empowering local communities.
She sits on the UN-REDD and Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) Board and is a globally known voice for Forests and REDD+. She has been instrumental in the Government-to-Government Forest and Agriculture Commodity Trade Dialogue (FACT) and other international processes. She is a member of the Forest & Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP) Secretariat which Ghana Co-chairs with the United States of America. Her many years of work on sustainable Forest Management and climate action have contributed to Ghana’s achievements in REDD+ results-based payments and also defining how Forest Carbon Markets should be mutually beneficial to both the demand and supply side.
Roselyn holds a Master’s Degree in Carbon Management from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland and a Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Resources Management from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana. She is currently pursuing doctoral studies at the University of Ghana, Legon, in Migration and Climate Change.